To start the analysis, select the Calculate menu and click Calculate all.
When the calculation has finished, click the
button on the toolbar to save the model and the results.
To start the analysis, select the Calculate menu and click Calculate all.
When the calculation has finished, click the
button on the toolbar to save the model and the results.
Want to automatically consider steel joint stiffness in your global RFEM model? Utilize the Steel Joints add-on!
Activate joint-structure interaction in the stiffness analysis of your steel joints. Hinges with springs are then automatically generated in the global model and included in subsequent calculations.
In the Aluminum Design add-on, you can consider the localized strength reduction in the HAZ due to transverse welds when performing design according to EN 1999-1-1.
Moreover, the Effective Sections add-on in RSECTION allows you to calculate the effective cross-section according to EN 1999-1-1, taking into account the transverse weld.
In the ultimate configuration of the steel joint design, you have the option to modify the limit plastic strain for welds.
The "Base Plate" component allows you to design base plate connections with cast-in anchors. In this case, plates, welds, anchorages, and steel-concrete interaction are analyzed.
How can I fix the error warning “10060 - The structure is unstable” for modal analysis instability?
How can treating a connection as fully rigid result in an uneconomical design?
Is it possible to consider shear panels and rotational restraints in the global calculation?