The model of the platform does not reflect the real situation adequately. For example, the connections of the girders require attention as they have an effect on the internal forces. There are special features available for members to control the transfer of internal forces or adapt the geometry at the connections.
Defining Features for Platform Beams
The design of cold-formed steel members according to the AISI S100-16 / CSA S136-16 is available in RFEM 6. Design can be accessed by selecting “AISC 360” or “CSA S16” as the standard in the Steel Design Add-on. “AISI S100” or “CSA S136” is then automatically selected for the cold-formed design.
RFEM applies the Direct Strength Method (DSM) to calculate the elastic buckling load of the member. The Direct Strength Method offers two types of solutions, numerical (Finite Strip Method) and analytical (Specification). The FSM signature curve and buckling shapes can be viewed under Sections.
In SHAPE-THIN 8, the effective cross-section of stiffened buckling panels can be calculated according to EN 1993-1-5, Cl. 4.5.
The critical buckling stress is calculated according to EN 1993-1-5, Annex A.1 for buckling panels with at least 3 longitudinal stiffeners, or according to EN 1993-1-5, Annex A.2 for buckling panels with one or two stiffeners in the compression zone. The design for torsional buckling safety is also performed.
Want to automatically consider steel joint stiffness in your global RFEM model? Utilize the Steel Joints add-on!
Activate joint-structure interaction in the stiffness analysis of your steel joints. Hinges with springs are then automatically generated in the global model and included in subsequent calculations.
In the ultimate configuration of the steel joint design, you have the option to modify the limit plastic strain for welds.