It can be difficult to check the results of complex models. So-called "visibilities" enable you to display only those objects that you want to evaluate.
At the bottom end of the navigator, click the
tab to access the 'Navigator - Views' (1).
Several visibilities have been created from the input data. Open the Surfaces by Thickness item and then activate the "wall type" thickness, no. 2, by selecting its check box (2).
As a result, only the wall surfaces are fully displayed with their results. All other objects are dimmed.
Platform Girders
Similarly, a visibility can be applied to exclusively display the results of the platform girders. Open the Members by Section item and activate the IPE 200 section, no. 3 (1). Then disable the Surfaces item (2).
Click the
button on the toolbar (3) to display the internal forces of the members. Then set CO4 (4) which represents the full load.