In the Ultimate Configurations dialog box, you can define the basic specifications for the ultimate limit state design. You can create several configurations and assign them to joints accordingly. The specifications are applied to a submodel that is created in the background for the calculation.
A "list" on the left shows all configurations available in the model. You can also use the
to create a new configuration that is based on the default values of the standard set in the
. As an alternative, you can copy the existing configuration by using the
button and then adjust the design parameters. The
button deletes the configuration selected in the list.
The Main tab manages important "Design Parameters" that affect the design checks of the stress-strain analysis.
The "Perform buckling analysis" check box controls whether ultimate limit state design checks are carried out in addition to the buckling analyses. This option is deactivated by default. Select the check box if you want to perform a buckling analysis. You can then check the buckling analysis parameters in the Buckling tab.
Partial Safety Factors
The material partial safety factors γM as well as γC, and γinst affect the design. In this category, you can check the preset values and adjust them, if necessary.
The list for the Analysis Type provides a selection option between a geometrically linear and a second-order analysis. (PΔ ).
If the calculation does not converge in the case of the default setting of the maximum of 100 iterations, you should increase the "Maximum number of iterations" accordingly. Further information can be found in Chapter Static Analysis Settings of the RFEM manual.
For better convergence and to avoid instabilities in nonlinear structural systems, it is recommended to use several load steps. However, a large "Number of load increments" has a detrimental effect on the speed of the calculation.
Design check
If necessary, you can adjust the value of the "Limit plastic strain". Based on EN 1993‑1‑5, the default value is 5%. The parameters "Slip factor for preloaded bolts" and "Preloading force factor" affect the design in case of using high-strength bolt connections. Optionally, you can "perform elastic verification of free bolt shank".
Concrete Block
In this category, you can influence which 'Friction coefficient' should be applied for the shear transfer of the component Base plate. It affects the frisction between the base plate and the grout. The value of 0.20 is preset, which is recommended for cf,d in EN 1993‑1‑8, 6.2.2.
The 'Lower limit of contact stress for effective surface in compression' is preset with the value of 5 ‰. This ensures that only areas with meaningful compressive stresses are included in the determination of the effective area. Zones with very small compressive stresses are neglected.
For the 'Method for Effective Area of Base Plate in Compression', you have two options in the list:
- EN 1993-1-8
- FEM analysis
A "member length factor" specifies the length of the member equivalent model. The larger value of the length and width of the circumscribed rectangle is multiplied by the value entered here. Furthermore, you can influence the "number of segments" that are created for cicular geometry. Optionally, you can arrange "welds on full length of member plate edge".
The last category provides various setting options for an FE mesh, as different meshes may be required depending on the joint type. You can specify the minimum and maximum element size in "General".
Furthermore, you can adjust the number or size of the finite elements for various components, such as members, plates, bolts, or welds, to correspond to the joint geometry. The greater the number of elements or the smaller their size, the finer the meshing.
The default settings of the design parameters should be used for the most cases, as they provide sufficiently accurate results with regard to the calculation time.
Plate buckling
The Buckling tab is displayed when selecting the Perform buckling analysis check box in the "Main" tab.
Stability Analysis Software
In this category, you can define an "analysis type" and a number of "eigenvalues" for the buckling analysis.
There are three eigenvalue methods available in the list.
- With the default setting "Eigenvalue method linear", the mode shapes are determined linearly. The properties of the nonlinearly acting elements, such as tension members or supports with failure criteria, are not taken into account.
- The "Incremental method with eigenvalue analysis (non-linear)" option allows you to consider all nonlinearities when determining mode shapes. In the course of the gradual load increasing until failure occurs, the failure criteria and nonlinear effects of members, supports, or hinges are determined. The calculation is performed iteratively, and thus requires a corresponding amount of time. With this method, you can realiably determine the lowest eigenvalue only.
- With the "Incremental method without eigenvalue analysis (non-linear)", the load is increased until failure occurs. No mode shapes are determined.
Four eigenmodes are preset as the "number of lowest eigenvalues". Thus, it is usually possible to obtain a reliable information about the buckling behavior.
Structural Analysis
The buckling analysis covers the same calculation parameters as described for the general settings in the Analysis section.
Design check
The plate buckling design is considered to be fulfilled if the "limit load factor" is 15 or more. This value is recommended in EN 1993‑1‑1, 5.2.1(3) for αcr for plastic design. Therefore, a critical load factor of less than 15 represents a stability failure. You can change the default value, if necessary.