

The rib component is used in steel connections to increase the stiffness and load-bearing capacity of the connection. It is typically used as a reinforcement element on a steel plate or cross-section. In contrast to a stiffener, the rib runs longitudinally to the member axis instead of transversely.

To Stiffen

The first category of component settings manages the general information about the rib arrangement.

First, define the object type that is to be stiffened. Two options are available for selection in the 'Stiffened Object' list:

  • Member: The rib is arranged in relation to the cross-section of the whole member.
  • Member plate: You can define a cross-section part of the member ("plate"), the web for example.

Then, select the last column of the member or the cross-section part in the list.

Specify the 'Reference type' in the list to place the rib object-related. This can be a plate ("plate"), a member, or an auxiliary plane. Then, select the object of the 'reference' in the list. Based on the coordinate system of the reference structural component, you can place the rib.

If you select the 'Opposite direction' check box, the rib will be arranged on the other side of the stiffened object.


In this category, you define the location where the rib is to be arranged. If the object is stiffened with several ribs, you can also enter the corresponding specifications here.

Specify the 'side' on which the rib reinforces the object. The following options are available for selection in the list:

  • Front (in direction of positive y-axis of rib)
  • Back (opposite to the positive y-axis of the rib)
  • Both

Define the 'Number' of ribs. The 'Distance' of the rib is preset to zero so that the rib is placed in the centroidal axis of the object. You can move the rib by adjusting this value. A positive distance displaces it in the direction of the local z-axis of the rib. When you define several ribs, the other values in the group describe the distances between the individual ribs.


In this category, you can define the properties of the ribbed plate.

Select the corresponding 'Material' from the defined materials, or define it using the button Edit Object button. Then, enter the 'Thickness' of the plate.

The 'Plate Alignment' determines the design of the plate. Two options are available in the list:

  • Parallel: Plate parallel to object with constant width
  • Inclined: Chamfered plate

Then, enter the rib's 'width' (length) and 'height', as well as the rib's 'indentation of the stiffened component', as well as the rib's 'reference indentation'. to define the chamfer. In the graphics area, you can switch to the symbol display using the Model View switch to the symbol view, where the parameters are illustrated.


For a pipe cross-section, the ribs are automatically arranged in a circumferential way (see Product Feature Rib Pattern).


The latter category controls the welds used to connect the rib at the edges of the stiffened object and the reference object. If you deactivate one of the check boxes, no weld is arranged on the corresponding cross-section part.

You can open a list of weld types by clicking in the column to the right of the check box. Various types of fillet and butt welds are available for selection. For fillet welds, you have to specify the thickness of the weld.

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