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Stress-Strain Analysis

The result tables of the Stress-Strain Analysis category show the results of the ultimate limit state design . These tables are displayed when activating the Result Filter for Ultimate Limit State Design button in the table toolbar.

The results are sorted in the tabs according to the following criteria:

  • Loads (design situations, load combinations)
  • Objects (joints, nodes, components)

You can show or hide the individual tables by using the Result Table Manager .

Design Ratios by Design Situation

The Design Ratios by Design Situations table is usually not displayed. However, it allows for a quick overview of the results, and not only when analyzing several design situations.

The table shows the governing design checks from all analyzed load combinations.

Design Ratios by Loading

The Design Ratios by Loading table is shown in the image Result Tables "Stress-Strain Analysis". It lists the design checks sorted by the results of the load combinations.

Design Ratios by Joint / Node / Component

In further tables, you can specifically evaluate the design ratios according to certain criteria. The Design Ratios by Joint table contains the maximum results for all nodes analyzed in a joint type.

For a detailed evaluation, the design checks for each node or the results of the individual components are also available.


You can display the Design Details for a particular design check by double-clicking the design row or using the Design Details button in the table toolbar.

Result Filter

The filter options in the table toolbar allow you to control the results output according to specific criteria. You can select from various options available in the list.

The Max option shows only the governing design of all objects. However, you can also use your own filters: Select the Define option and enter the limit value in the format "> #.##" (# stands for digits). Thus, only the ratios greater than the user-defined value are displayed in the table.