

All components of the joint are managed in the Components tab.


The individual components are described in the chapter Components.


In the first column, you can set components to be active Check Box Activated or inactive Check Box Deactivated using the check boxes. The type of the component is displayed in the Component Type column. In the Component Name column, you can adjust the automatically assigned designation of the component. This name will be used later for the design and the results.

Inserting Components

You can insert a new component at the beginning Insert Component at Beginning or at the end Insert Component at End of the table. By clicking one of the buttons, you can open the "Select Component" dialog box where you can select the component in four main categories.


When entering the data, please respect the order of the components. Elements that refer to another component must not appear before this component in the list.

Use the Insert Components from Library button to insert the components from a library. This option is described in the chapter Templates for Steel Joints. If you have created your own joint, you can save it as a template Save Components as Template together with all components.

Enter a designation as the "Name". You can assign the connection to a "Category" that is already entered in the library. If you do not select any entry in the list, the joint is stored in a user-defined category. Finally, define the "Subcategory" or create a new type New .

Edit Component

You can use the Delete button to delete the selected component again.

Shortcut Menu

The shortcut menu of a component allows you to copy the selected component to below it Copy Component Below or to the end of the list Copy Component at End .


You can also use the shortcut menu for a multiple selection. This means you can copy, deactivate, or delete several selected components and do not need to call up the function for each line individually.

Component Settings

In this section, the properties and definition criteria of the component selected in the 'Components' table above are defined. They are described in detail in the Components chapter.

Graphic Window

The component selected in the table is highlighted in the selection color in the dialog graphic. When you move the mouse over a member, its designation ( "Status" ) is displayed. The same applies to the individual components.

You can use the Icon of Bitmap or Real View button below the graphic to switch between a symbol display with additional information and the actual view. The symbol display is matched to the input parameter selected in the 'Component Settings' table. The graphics window then displays the input-specific information.

A navigator is also available to control the display, which you can expand using the Navigator Components button. Its tree structure contains all members and components, including subcomponents existing in the selected joint. You can show or hide them individually for the display or display them as a "Solid Model", "In Background", and also with or without "Contours".


A function with which you can add dimensions to the steel joint is available in the shortcut menu of the graphic window.


The further procedure for creating dimensions is described in the FAQ Dimensions in Steel Joint.