11 Program Functions

6.5 Solid Loads

General description

Solid loads act on all 3D elements of a solid (see Chapter 4.5).

To apply a solid load, a solid must already be defined.

Image 6.31 New Solid Load dialog box
Image 6.32 Table 3.5 Solid Loads

The number of the solid load is automatically assigned in the New Solid Load dialog box, but can also be changed there.

On Solids No.

In the text box, enter the numbers of the solids on which the load acts. You can also select them graphically by using .

When you have selected the graphical input by clicking the toolbar button, you have to enter load data first. After clicking [OK], you can select the relevant solids one by one in the work window.

Load Type

Specify the load type in this dialog section. The load types and definition parameters are visualized dynamically in the dialog box. The following load types can be selected:

Table 6.7 Load types
Load Type Short Description


Solid load acting uniformly in one of the global directions


Uniformly distributed or linearly variable temperature change in the solid
A positive load value signifies a heating.


Imposed tensile or compressive strain of the solid that is uniformly distributed or linearly variable
A positive load value means that the solid is extended.


Weight of displaced material whose density can be entered or selected in a [Library]
The Environment Density of Air refers to a standard atmosphere of 15°C at sea level.

Rotary motion

Centrifugal force from mass and angular velocity ω on the solid
The rotation axis can be defined in a separate dialog box that you can open with the button.


Additional forces can be applied on a solid in the form of surface or line loads.

Load Distribution

The load can act on the solid as Uniform or Linearly variable. It refers to one of the global axes X, Y, or Z.

If linearly variable loads are selected, specify the load values of two nodes. Nodes are allowed to lie outside of the stressed solid, provided that FE nodes are generated there.

Load Magnitude

In this dialog section / these table columns, the load values and, if applicable, the assigned nodes are managed. The text boxes are labeled and accessible depending on the previously activated selection fields.

Node No.

If linearly variable loads are selected, specify two nodes that the load magnitudes refer to. These nodes are used to define a plane. You can also select them graphically using .


For a uniform load distribution, only one numerical value is required. For a linearly variable change in temperature or axial strain, specify two load values.
