11 Program Functions

12.5.3 RF-LINK Import *.step, *.iges, *.sat

RF-LINK Import *.step, *.iges, *.sat

With the RF-LINK add-on module (not contained in RFEM), it is possible to import data in the STEP, IGES, or ACIS formats. These file formats are mainly used in mechanical engineering. They allow for a transfer of the model geometry in the form of boundary lines and surfaces.

To import model files available in one of these formats, use the menu option

    • File → Import.
Image 12.55 Import dialog box

In the Extra Formats dialog section, you can define the relevant file format:

    • Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (*.stp, *.step)
    • Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (*.iges)
    • Standard Acis Text Format (*.sat)

In the Import (*.sat, *.step, *.iges) dialog tab, you can specify more detailed settings.

Image 12.56 Import dialog box, Import (*.sat, *.step, *.iges) tab


The export of RFEM files into the STEP, IGES, or SAT formats is currently not available.
