11 Program Functions

4.27 Surface Release Types

General description

With a surface release, it is possible to decouple the model at a surface -- for example, if surfaces are linked flexibly or transfer only compression forces. So it is possible to define nonlinear contact properties for surfaces, for example, without generating a contact solid between surfaces.


You have to define a release with specific properties in a Surface Release Type first. You can then assign them to members, surfaces, and solids that share a surface (see Chapter 4.28).

Image 4.214 New Surface Release Type dialog box
Image 4.215 Table 1.27 Surface Release Types
Release or Spring ux / uy / uz

You can define a release within the surface plane (ux, uy) or perpendicular to the surface (uz) by selecting the corresponding displacement in the dialog box or table. With the properties of a Spring, you can also model flexible releases.

The directions of the displacements x, y, and z refer to the axis system of the surface. You can display the surface axes by using the surface shortcut menu or the Display navigator (see Figure 4.75).

You can also assign nonlinear properties to the releases. Select the Nonlinearity from the list and define it with the button in the dialog box. The input of nonlinear release properties is described in Chapter 4.14.
