11 Program Functions

8.30 Surfaces - Strains - Tresca

To control the graphical display of surface strains available with the equivalent stress hypothesis according to Tresca, select Surfaces → Strains in the Results navigator (see Figure 8.63). Table 4.30 shows these strains in numerical form.

Image 8.65 Table 4.30 Surfaces - Strains - Tresca

The Grid Point and Grid Point Coordinates table columns correspond to those of the previous results table 4.29 Surfaces - Strains - von Mises.

In the approach according to Tresca, it is assumed that failure is caused by the maximum shear stress (see Chapter 8.23).

The strains according to Tresca are determined as follows:

Table 8.23 Strains according to Tresca


Equivalent strain on the positive side of the surface (i.e. side in direction of positive surface axis z)


At the same time, the equivalent strain according to Rankine is analyzed (see the following Chapter 8.31). If a larger strain is reached with this hypothesis, this value is shown in table column E.


Equivalent strain on the negative side of the surface


If the hypothesis by Rankine results in a larger equivalent strain, this value is shown in column F.


Maximum equivalent strain on the positive or negative side of the surface (columns E and F)
