11 Program Functions

4.13 Cross-Sections

General description

Before you can enter a member, you have to define a cross-section. The cross-section properties and assigned material characteristics determine the stiffness of the member.

Each cross-section has its own Color that can be used to represent different profiles in the model. Colors are controlled in the Display navigator with the Colors in Rendering According to option (see Chapter 11.1.9).

You do not have to use each defined cross-section in the model. Thus, when modeling the structure, it is possible to experiment without deleting cross-sections. Please note, however, that the cross-sections cannot be renumbered.

To display a tapered beam, you have to define different start and end cross-sections for the member. RFEM automatically determines the variable stiffnesses along the member.

Image 4.125 New Cross-Section dialog box, Cross-Section Properties tab
Image 4.126 Table 1.13 Cross-Sections

You do not need to enter the cross-section properties manually. RFEM provides an extensive and expandable cross-section library, as well as import options.

Cross-Section Description

The cross-section's Description can be freely chosen. When the entered cross-section name corresponds to an entry of the cross-section library, RFEM imports the cross-section parameters. In this case, it is not possible to change the values for the Moments of Inertia and area Axial A. For user-defined cross-section descriptions, you can enter moments of inertia and cross-section areas manually.

The characteristic values of parametrized cross-sections are also imported automatically. For example, when you enter "Rectangle 80/140", the parameters of this cross-section appear. The selection of cross-sections from the library is described below.


It is also possible to use a rigid dummy cross-section to model couplings. For this cross-section type, RFEM applies the stiffnesses as for a coupling member. Enter the name "Dummy Rigid" as the description for the cross-section without defining the cross-section values in detail. This way, you can use members with a high degree of stiffness, taking releases or other member properties into account. A new variant in RFEM 5 is the member type Rigid Member, so the definition of a Dummy Rigid is no longer necessary.

Material No.

The cross-section's material can be selected from the list of previously defined materials. The assignment is facilitated by material colors that are by default used for the rendered graphical display.

In the New Cross-Section dialog box, there are three buttons below the material list. They allow you to access the material library, create a new material, or edit materials.

For more detailed information on materials, see Chapter 4.3.

The Hybrid option can only be accessed for parametrized timber profiles. Use this option to assign specific material properties to cross-section elements if different material grades are provided (e.g. timber of low class for webs).

Click the [Edit] button to open the Edit Hybrid Material dialog box.

Image 4.127 Edit Hybrid Material dialog box

Assign materials to the individual cross-section parts according to the graphical scheme. They can be selected from the list. One of these materials must be defined as a Reference Material to determine the ideal cross-section properties.

Moments of Inertia

The moments of inertia are required for the cross-section stiffness: The torsional constant IT describes the stiffness against rotation about the longitudinal axis. The second moments of area Iy and Iz describe the stiffnesses against bending about the local axes y and z. Axis y is considered to be the "strong" axis. The local cross-sectional axes are shown in the graphic of the New Cross-Section dialog box.

For asymmetrical sections, the moments of inertia are displayed around the cross-section's principal axes u and v.

Moments of inertia as well as cross-sectional areas can be adjusted with the help of factors in the Modify dialog tab. In the table, you can access the tab with the button that appears when you click into the table cell. The adaption factor for the cross-sectional area A does not affect the cross-section weight.

Image 4.128 New Cross-Section dialog box, Modify tab

With the specification set in Figure 4.126, RFEM only considers the torsional moment of inertia with 5 %.


By default, the multiplication factor of the cross-section values is only considered for load combinations (see Figure 7.21). However, for load cases, all stiffness factors are deactivated by default so that the corresponding Options have to be selected if necessary.

Cross-Sectional Areas

The cross-section parameters of the cross-sectional areas are subdivided into the total area Axial A and the shear areas Shear Ay and Shear Az.

Shear area Ay is in relation to the moment of inertia Iz, shear area Az accordingly to Iy. Using a correction factor κ, there is the following correlation between the shear areas Ay and Az, as well as the total area A.

Ay=Aκy ;    Az=Aκz 



    • A : Total area of cross-section
    • Iz/y : Moments of inertia of cross-section
    • Sz/y(x) : Static moments of cross-section at location x
    • t(x) : Width of cross-section at location x

The shear areas Ay and Az affect the shear deformation, which should especially be taken into account for short, massive members. When the shear areas are set to zero, the influence of shear is not considered. The parameters can also be controlled in the Global Calculation Parameters dialog tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box (see Figure 7.27). If extremely low values are set for shear areas, numerical problems may arise, because the shear areas are contained in the denominator of equations.

For more detailed information, take a look at this technical article:


Select realistic values for the cross-section areas: Extreme differences in the cross-sectional areas of sections involve significant differences in stiffness that may lead to numerical problems when solving the equation system.

Angle of principal axes α

The principal axes are described with y and z for symmetrical sections and with u and v for asymmetrical sections (see above). The rotation angle of principal axes α describes the position of the principal axes in relation to the standard system of coordinates for symmetrical sections. For asymmetrical sections, this is the angle between the y-axis and the u-axis (see graphic on previous page shown in the left margin). This angle is defined clockwise as a positive angle. For symmetrical cross-sections, α = 0°. The inclination of principal axes for sections from the library cannot be edited.

The angle of rotation for the principal axes is determined with the following equation:

tan 2α=2 IyzIz-Iy 


When you work with 2D models, only 0° and 180° are allowed.

Cross-section rotation α'

The angle of rotation α' describes the angle by which the sections of all members that use this cross-section are rotated. Thus, the angle represents a global cross-sectional angle of rotation. In addition, each member can be separately rotated about a member rotation angle β.

Moreover, the Rotation dialog tab (see Figure 4.127) provides the option to Mirror asymmetrical cross-sections. You can use this option to put an L-section into the correct position, for example.

Image 4.129 New Cross-Section dialog box, Rotation tab

When importing a section from the cross-section library or from the SHAPE-THIN add-on module, you do not need to care about the angle α'. RFEM automatically imports this angle in the same way as the other cross-sectional values. For user-defined sections, however, you have to determine the principal axes angle yourself and adjust it manually by means of the cross-section rotation.

Overall dimensions

The cross-section's Width b and Depth h are significant for temperature loads.

Cross-section library

Numerous cross-sections are already available in a data base.

Opening the library

In the New Cross-Section dialog box and in Table 1.13 Cross-Sections, you have direct access to frequently used cross-sections:

Image 4.130 Buttons of frequently used cross-sections in table (above) and dialog box (below)

Use the [Import Cross-Section from Library] button to access the complete cross-section database. When working in the table, place the cursor into table column A to enable the button which, just like the function key [F7], opens the cross-section library.

Image 4.131 Cross-section library

The cross-section library is divided into several sections, which are described on the following pages.

Rolled cross-sections

The table values of many rolled cross-sections are stored in a database.

First, click one of the twelve buttons to define the Cross-Section Type. Another dialog box opens where you select the table. Then, select an appropriate Cross-Section.

Filter for Manufacturer/Standard group
Selecting a rolled cross-section

In the Filter dialog section, you can filter the library according to the following criteria: Manufacturer/Standard group, Manufacturer/Standard, Cross-section shape, and Cross-section note. That way, it is easier to overview the offered tables and cross-sections. Displayed data can be sorted by clicking the headings of table columns.

If cross-sections of old standards are needed, select the Include invalid checkbox in the Filter dialog section to display them.

Creating favorites

Preferred cross-sections can be set as favorites. To access the dialog box for creating favorite cross-sections, use the [Create New Favorites Group] button at the bottom of the Filter dialog section. When the name for the new group has been defined, the following dialog box appears.

Image 4.132 Rolled Cross-Sections - I-Sections - Favorites dialog box, filtered by EN

The dialog box looks like the cross-section library. You can use the filter options described above. In the Select Favorites dialog sections, you can tag preferred tables and cross-sections with a check mark.

After closing the dialog box, the cross-section library presents a clear overview of favorites, once you activate the Favorites group option.

In this way, it is possible to create different groups of favorites available for selection in the list at the bottom of the Filter dialog section.

Built-up cross-sections

Rolled cross-sections can be combined by specifying parameters.

Image 4.133 Built-up Cross-Sections - I-Sections dialog box

Use the [Save] button to save a built-up cross-section. RFEM stores it with its accurate description (e.g. 2IK HE B 300 + HE A 340 in the figure above) in the User-Defined category, where you can later reimport it from.

Parametric cross-sections - thin-walled

In the text boxes, you can freely define parameters for a cross-section composed of sheets. The cross-section values are calculated according to the theory for thin-walled cross-sections. The theory only applies to cross-sections whose element thickness is clearly smaller than the respective element length. If this condition is not fulfilled, define the cross-section in the Massive category (see Figure 4.134), if possible.

Parameter a represents the weld root, not the fillet radius (see Figure 4.133). The weld thicknesses only have an influence on the lengths of the c/t parts. They are not included in the cross-section properties.

Image 4.134 Input dialog box of a parametrized, thin-walled cross-section

Use the button shown on the left to import the parameters of a rolled cross-section. The selection function allows you to preset certain geometry data.

Use the [Save] button to save a parametric cross-section with its exact name, for example IS 330/160/8/12/0 in the figure above. Click the [Load] button to import it again.

Parametric cross-sections - solid

In the text boxes, you can freely define parameters for solid cross-sections (e.g. reinforced concrete sections). The cross-section values are calculated according to the theory for massive cross-sections, which presupposes elements with distinct wall thicknesses.

Image 4.135 Input dialog box of a solid cross-section
Parametric cross-sections - timber

In the text boxes, you can freely define parameters for timber cross-sections. The cross-section values of both solid and combined cross-sections are calculated according to the theory for massive cross-sections.

Image 4.136 Input dialog box of a timber cross-section

If the cross-section is combined by a Coefficient of compliance, you can use the effective stiffnesses of flexural members according to EN 1995-1-1, Annex B.2. For this, you need to specify the reduction factors γ. For the modeling, the restrictions according to Annex B.1.2 apply. Composed compression members according to Annex C are not considered with this option!

When you work with a material of the type Hybrid, use the [Edit] button to assign the properties of the cross-section parts (see Figure 4.125).

Standardized cross-sections - timber

In the Standardized Timber Cross-Sections dialog box, you can select standardized rectangle cross-sections for boards, battens, as well as sawn and solid timber. Standardized American timber cross-sections are also available for designs according to AWC and CSA.

Image 4.137 Standardized timber cross-sections
User-defined cross-sections
  • Importing saved cross-sections

Click the [Load] button shown on the left to open a dialog box where all cross-sections created with the Save function are displayed.

Image 4.138 Properties of User-Defined Cross-Sections dialog box
  • Creating user-defined cross-sections

You can freely enter user-defined cross-section properties in a dialog box.

Image 4.139 Create User-Defined Cross-Section dialog box

Enter the Table to define the place where the cross-section is managed, and the Name to describe the new cross-section. Then, enter the cross-section parameters and define the buckling curves.

Cross-sections from cross-section programs

It is also possible to import cross-sections from the Dlubal cross-section programs SHAPE-THIN and SHAPE-MASSIVE.


Please note that the cross-sections must be calculated and saved in SHAPE-THIN or in SHAPE-MASSIVE before the cross-section values can be imported.

Importing cross-section tables from ASCII files

Use the button in the bottom left corner of the library to import an entire cross-section table from a file. The file must be a CSV file, i.e. a text file where the table columns are separated by a semicolon (;). Any Excel file can be saved in this format. Make sure that the syntax of the ASCII table corresponds to the definition parameters of the corresponding RFEM cross-section table.

Example: Import of double symmetrical I-sections.

The cross-sections are managed in the IS table (see Figure 4.133). For IS cross-sections, the following parameters are required: h, b, s, t, a. The table in Excel is structured as shown below:

Image 4.140 Excel spreadsheet with cross-section parameters

In the import dialog box, specify the directory of the CSV file and use the list to select the cross-section table where you want to manage the imported cross-sections.

Image 4.141 Import Cross-Sections from ASCII File dialog box

The imported cross-sections are subsequently available in the User-Defined Cross-Sections category (see Figure 4.137).

When importing cross-sections, RFEM calculates the cross-section values and stress points in such a way that stress designs can be performed as well.
