11 Program Functions

11.4.4 Project


Use this function to project selected objects onto a plane. With this, you can adjust the inclination angle of horizontal beams or rafter members, for example.

Shortcut menu of selected objects

A member is projected in the direction X onto the YZ-plane.

Image 11.83 Original member and projected copy in plane YZ

To open the dialog box for entering the projection parameters, select the menu entry

    • Edit → Project

or use the shortcut menu of the selected objects.

Image 11.84 3D Project - Copy dialog box

To keep the original object, select the Create copy check box.

In the Projection Direction dialog section, you can decide whether the objects are projected in the direction of a global axis (X, Y, or Z) or perpendicular to a target plane.

The Target Plane can be defined in the following three ways:

  • The target plane runs parallel to a plane that is spanned by the axes of the global axis system XYZ. In this case, activate the first option and select the relevant plane from the list. Then, in the Point Coordinates of Target Plane dialog section, enter a point that lies in this plane.
  • The target plane runs parallel to a plane that is defined by the axes of the global axis system XYZ, but is rotated abound one of the axes. In this case, activate the second option. Select the relevant plane in the list and specify the axis and angle of rotation. Then, in the Point Coordinates of Target Plane dialog section, enter a point that lies in that plane.
  • The target plane is defined freely in the work plane. In this case, activate the third option. Then, in the Point Coordinates of Target Plane dialog section, define the plane by entering three points.

If a copy is created, you can influence the numbering of the new objects in the Numbering Increment for dialog section.

Use the button to open another dialog box with useful options that are described in Chapter 11.4.1.
