11 Program Functions Visibility buttons and menu

Visibility buttons and menu

To access the different visibility functions, use the menu option

    • View → Visibility

or the corresponding list button in the toolbar.

Image 9.43 Visibility list button
Visibility by Window

Partial views can be created graphically by drawing a window with the mouse.

If you draw the window from left to right, the partial view only contains objects that are completely within this window. When opening the window from right to left, the partial view also includes objects that are cut by the window.

Visibility by Numbering

Enter the numbers of Nodes, Lines, Surfaces, Solids, or Members that are relevant for the partial view in a dialog box.

Image 9.44 Visibility by Numbering dialog box
Cancel Visibility Mode

Use this function to restore the view of all objects.

Create User-Defined Visibility

Before you access this function, select the objects that you want to save as a Visibility in the work window (see Chapter 11.2.1 and Chapter 11.2.2). The menu function Edit → Select → Special is useful for this.


Only the objects that are selected in the work window are integrated into a Visibility. Therefore, when you use the [Visibility by Hiding Selected Objects] function, you have to select the displayed objects once more by drawing a window.

After a click on the [New] button, the following dialog box appears.

Image 9.45 New User-Defined Visibility dialog box

Define the Name and Group. If you want to use several visibility groups, click the [New] button to create another group.

Image 9.46 New Group for Visibilities dialog box

Click [OK] to save the group of objects as a new visibility.

The user-defined visibilities are managed in the Views navigator where they can be switched on and off individually (see Figure 9.40).

Changing objects into visibilities

Objects can be retroactively integrated into existing visibilities: Exit the visibility mode by clicking the button shown on the left or using the menu item View → Visibility → Cancel Visibility Mode. Now, select the objects that you want to add.

In the Views navigator, click the relevant entry in the User-defined list. RFEM enables the button, which allows you to integrate the selected objects into the user-defined visibility.

Analogously, you can use the button to remove selected objects from a user-defined visibility.

Click the button to overwrite the objects available in the marked visibility of the Views navigator with the selection in the work window. With this, existing visibilities can be redefined but the name is kept.

Transparency for hidden objects

When you use visibilities, it is possible to display hidden objects with minor intensity in the background. The degree of visibility is set individually in the Graphics tab of the Program Options dialog box (see Figure 9.52).

The display of background objects can be turned on and off in the Display navigator.

Image 9.47 Display navigator: GeneralShow Hidden Objects in Background