11 Program Functions

11.4.5 Scale


Use this function to scale selected objects in relation to a point.


Starting from the origin, a quadrangle surface is stretched equally in all three directions by the factor 2.

Image 11.85 Original surface and scaled copy

To open the dialog box for entering the scale parameters, select the menu item

    • Edit → Scale

or use the shortcut menu of the selected objects (see figure in the margin to the left of Figure 11.83).

Image 11.86 Scale - Copy dialog box

If the Number of copies is set to 0, the selected objects are scaled. Otherwise, the entered number of copies is generated.

The Scale by dialog section manages the scaling factor k (see graphic in the dialog box).

There are three available ways to define the Direction of Scaling:

Table 11.7 Direction of Scaling dialog section

Equally in X,Y,Z

All object coordinates (X, Y, and Z) are scaled in relation to the starting point defined in the Coordinates dialog section.

In direction: X / Y / Z

You have to define one of the global axes.
Only the object's coordinates of the selected global axis are scaled in relation to the starting point defined in the Coordinates dialog section.

In direction, defined by two points

In the Coordinates dialog section, specify a vector by entering two points. Objects are scaled in the vector's direction.

If a copy is created, you can influence the numbering of the new objects in the Numbering Increment for dialog section.

Use the button to open another dialog box with useful options that are described in Chapter 11.4.1.

Shortcut menu of background layers

It is also possible to scale background layers. To open the corresponding dialog box, select the menu entry

    • Edit → Background Layers → Stretch

or use the shortcut menu of background layers in the Data navigator.

In the Select Background layer dialog box, specify the relevant layer first. Then you can define the stretch factor in the Stretch Background Layer dialog box (see Figure 11.87).

Image 11.87 Stretch Background Layer dialog box