11 Program Functions

8.4 Members - Local Deformations

To control the graphical display of member displacements and member rotations, select the Members check box in the Results navigator. When asymmetrical cross-sections are used, you can select if results refer to the principal axes u and v (see graphic above) or to the standard input axes y and z. Table 4.4 shows the members' local deformations in numerical form.

Image 8.15 Results navigator: Members → Local Deformations
Image 8.16 Table 4.4 Members - Local Deformations

To display the deformations of a particular load case, select the load case from the list in the main toolbar or the toolbar of the table.

Node No.

The numbers of the start and end node are displayed for each member in the first two tables rows so that you can read the nodal values. The subsequent rows respectively provide information about the deformation maximum or minimum shown in table columns D to I.

Location x

The table lists the deformations of each member at the following locations:

    • Start and end node
    • Division points according to defined member division (see Chapter 4.16)
    • Extreme values (Max/Min) of displacements and rotations

To adjust the default setting of the displayed x-locations, go to the menu and select

    • Table → View → Result Filter

or use the corresponding button in the table toolbar shown on the left.

Image 8.17 Table Filter dialog box (section)

The check boxes in the Table Filter dialog box control the type and extent of the numerical output.

Displacements / Rotations
Member shortcut menu

The member deformations have the following meanings:

Table 8.2 Member deformations


Absolute total displacement (not for result combinations)


Displacement of member in direction of its longitudinal axis


Displacement of member in direction of local axis y or u


Displacement of member in direction of local axis z or v


Rotation of member about its longitudinal axis


Rotation of member about local axis y or u


Rotation of member about local axis z or v

To check the position of the local member axes, select Model → Members in the Display navigator and activate Member Axis Systems x,y,z (see Figure 8.23). You can also use the member shortcut menu shown on the left.

The local member axis system has an impact on the signs of deformations as well: A positive displacement follows the direction of the positive local axis, a positive rotation acts clockwise about the positive member axis.


The final table column provides information about the cross-sections used in members or the corresponding load cases (for result combinations).

In the work window, deformations of members can be represented with a two- or multi-color display as well as in the rendering mode (see Chapter 9.3).

Member deformations can also be visualized as an animation of the deformation process (see Chapter 9.10).
