11 Program Functions

7.3.4 Calculation Diagrams

Calculation Diagrams

In the last tab of the dialog box, you can set user-defined options for diagrams that are displayed during the calculation (see Figure 7.38). These graphics and values are also available after the calculation. With them, it is possible to check the convergence diagram or the deformation of a node (e.g. supports with nonlinear properties).

Image 7.32 Calculation Parameters dialog box, Calculation Diagrams tab

The Existing Diagrams list provides an overview of the calculation diagrams CD defined in the current model. Use the button to create another calculation diagram with a description.

The Vertical Axis represents the x-axis, the Horizontal Axis the y-axis of the calculation diagram. You can select the respective Result type from the lists. The deformations can be related to a deformation (u) or a rotation (Phi) in the Value list.

For the deformations of a node or FE-node, you can select the number of the relevant object from the list or in the work window by using .

During the calculation, a diagram that shows the development of deformations is displayed (see Figure 7.38). This graphic as well as the values displayed in it are also available in the Calculation Diagrams tab after the calculation (see figure above).

Use the button for an enlarged display of the diagram in a new window.