11 Program Functions

11.4.14 Assigning Member Properties Graphically

Assigning Member Properties Graphically

You can use this feature to graphically transfer the definition criteria of members for cross-sections, releases, and eccentricities to already created members.

To access the corresponding function, use the menu option

    • Insert → Model Data → Members → Assign Member Properties to Members Graphically


    • Edit → Model Data → Members → Assign Member Properties to Members Graphically.

The following dialog box appears.

Image 11.102 Assign Member Properties to Members Graphically dialog box

Select the Cross-Section from the list or use the buttons shown on the left to select the cross-section from the [Library] or to create a [New] one. If necessary, you can define the Member End Release in the list, but it is also possible to create a [New] release type (see Chapter 4.14).

You can relate the Member Eccentricity to the local member axis system x,y,z or the global coordinate system X,Y,Z. If needed, define the eccentricity in the corresponding text boxes (see Chapter 4.15).

The Status dialog section allows you to control if a member eccentricity is newly assigned (Set) or removed (Delete). Select Keep original to only change the cross-section and the member end release, but no existing eccentricity.

After clicking [OK], the members are graphically divided at one-third division points (see Figure 4.143). Now you can click the member sides to which you want to apply the selected properties (a release, for example). Click a member in its center to assign the release or the eccentricity to both member ends.
