11 Program Functions

11.5.1 Editing Functions

Editing Functions

The editing functions are tools that make the data input in tables easier (see Chapter 3.4.4). In contrast to the selection functions described in the following Chapter 11.5.2, it is not necessary to select cells beforehand. The editing functions only affect the cell in which the pointer is placed.

To turn the tables on and off, select the menu entry

    • Table → Display

or use the toolbar button shown on the left.

Accessing the editing functions

To enable the editing functions for the table, place the pointer in a table cell. To access the editing functions, use the menu option

    • Table → Edit.

Some editing functions are available in the toolbar of the table.

Image 11.109 Buttons for some editing functions in the table toolbar

You can also use the shortcut menu in the table to access the functions.

Image 11.110 Editing functions in the table shortcut menu
Functions and commands
Table 11.8 Editing functions
Function Effect


Removes the content of the cell and saves it in the clipboard.


Copies the cell content to the clipboard.


Inserts the content of the clipboard into the cell. If the content of the clipboard is larger than a cell, the cells of subsequent table columns and rows are overwritten. A warning is displayed before.

Copy Row

Overwrites the next row with the content of the current row.

Empty Row

Deletes the content of the row without deleting the row itself.

Insert Row

Inserts a new, empty row. The subsequent rows are moved downwards.

Delete Row

Deletes the current row. The subsequent rows are moved upwards.


Searches for a specific number or string within the table.


Searches for a number or string within the table and replaces it with a different entry.

Empty table

Deletes the content of the current table completely and without a warning message.

Empty all tables

Deletes the contents of all tables.

Select [F7]

Opens a list for selection in a cell.

Update graphics

Applies the modifications in the table to the graphic.

Edit in dialog box

Opens a dialog box where the data of the current row can be entered.
