11 Program Functions

12.1.2 Model Management

Model Management

Opening models

To open a model in the project manager,

    • double-click the model name or its thumbnail image,
    • select Model → Open in the project manager menu (select model beforehand), or
    • use the shortcut menu of the model.
Model shortcut menu

Use the Open With option in the shortcut menu to select a Dlubal application that you want to open the model with.


You can open RSTAB files directly in RFEM.

Copying / moving models

To copy a model into another project,

    • use the Model → Copy menu option (select model beforehand),
    • use Copy in the model's shortcut menu (see Figure 12.12), or
    • use the drag-and-drop function by holding down the [Ctrl] key.
Image 12.12 Copy Model dialog box

In the Copy Model dialog box, specify the target project as well as the Name and Description for the model's copy.

To move a model, use the mouse to drag it into a different folder.

Renaming models

To rename a model,

    • select Model → Properties in the project manager menu (select model beforehand) or
    • use the Properties entry in the model's shortcut menu (see Figure 12.12).
Image 12.13 Model Properties dialog box

In the dialog box, you can change the Name and Description of the model. The File name and the model's directory are also displayed.

If the model also contains results and printout reports, you can remove such Contained Data from the data set by using the buttons.

Deleting models

To delete a model,

    • select Model → Delete in the project manager menu (select model beforehand),
    • click the [Delete] button in the toolbar, or
    • use the Delete entry in the model's shortcut menu (see Figure 12.12).

It is also possible to specifically delete Results and/or Printout Reports of the model. The input data remains in these cases.


To undo the deletion of models, use the menu option

    • Edit → Restore from Dlubal Recycle Bin.

The Dlubal recycle bin is described in Chapter

Displaying the history

To check the history of a model,

    • select Model → History in the project manager menu (select model beforehand) or
    • use History in the model's shortcut menu (see Figure 12.12).
Image 12.14 History of Model info window

A dialog box appears that provides information about the users who created, opened, or modified the model as well as the time when the individual actions were carried out.

The notes listed in the Comment column are based on the model's general data. Corresponding entries are managed in the History dialog tab. You can use comments to document the processing state (see Chapter 12.2.3).
