11 Program Functions

11.5.5 Filter Functions

Filter Functions

Various filter functions allow you to specifically evaluate internal forces, contact forces, and deformations in the member results tables. There are also filter options for nodal and line support forces of result combinations (see Chapter 8.1 and Chapter 8.3).

Accessing the filter functions

To access the result filters, select the menu item

    • Table → View → Result Filter

or use the button in the table toolbar shown on the left.

Image 11.121 Result Filter button

The following dialog box appears.

Image 11.122 Table Filter dialog box

Select the relevant results table in the Tables to Display dialog section. Use the dialog tab on the right to determine, which values are shown numerically.

For internal forces of members, you can separately define for Load Cases / Load Combinations and Result Combinations whether the values of the Start of members and End of members (nodal values), the Internal points (x-locations of the user-defined member division, see Chapter 4.16), as well as the Extreme values of the members are shown in the table. The type of internal force for extreme values is determined with the six check boxes.

Two result values appear on each location for result combinations – the minimum and maximum internal forces with the corresponding internal forces.

You can use the buttons shown on the left to transfer the filter criteria from one dialog section to the other.


A member division with two intermediate points has been defined for member 11 that has a length of 6.700 m. The filter settings for result combinations shown in Figure 11.122 result in the following results table 4.6 Members - Internal Forces.

Image 11.123 Results filtered by nodal values, division points, and extreme values My

Table column H shows the maximum and minimum bending moments My in bold on the nodes, division points, and locations of the absolute extreme values. The latter appear with a capitalized initial letter as Max My and Min My at the end of the list (see marked cells in figure above). The values in the remaining columns are the corresponding internal forces of the respective maximum and minimum values.
