11 Program Functions

12.2.2 Options


The second tab of the New Model - General Data dialog box allows you to control if an RFEM add-on module is enabled and which basic value is set for the standard gravity.

Image 12.32 New Model - General Data dialog box, Options tab

You can use the check boxes to enable the add-on modules RF-FORM-FINDING (form-finding of membrane and cable structures), RF-CUTTING-PATTERN (determination of cutting patterns for membrane structures), and RF-PIPING (piping analysis). Specific dialog boxes and functions of RFEM for modeling membrane structures and piping systems are thus enabled.


To work with RF-FORM-FINDING, RF-CUTTING-PATTERN, and RF-PIPING, corresponding licenses are required.

The Use CQC Rule check box allows you to combine seismic load cases according to the CQC rule ("complete quadratic combination rule"). This allows for a complete quadratic modal combination of dynamic load cases. The parameters for the Rayleigh damping or Lehr's damping can be specified in the input fields below. The RF-DYNAM Pro manual provides more detailed explanations for the dynamic analysis.

The Enable CAD/BIM model check box must be selected when the data is to be aligned with a CAD or BIM model. Thus, importing, organizing, and transforming IFC, STEP, and IGES files, for example, is possible (RF-LINK add-on module required). This feature is presented in the following article: https://www.dlubal.com/en/support-and-learning/support/knowledge-base/001328

Standard Gravity

This dialog section manages the basic value of the gravitational acceleration g that is significant, for example, for determining the self-weight and for dynamic analyses. If necessary, you can adjust the approximate value of 10.00 m/s2.