11 Program Functions

11.3.9 Visual Objects

Visual Objects

Visual objects are 3D objects used in architectural design programs to realistically display model designs, for example (e.g. people, cars, trees, textures, etc.). You can also integrate 3D objects into the RFEM model to illustrate the model's proportions.

Importing visual objects

To open the dialog box for importing a visual object, select the menu entry

    • Insert → Visual Objects

or use the shortcut menu in the Data navigator.

Image 11.65 Shortcut menu in Data navigator: Guide ObjectsVisual Objects

The New Visual Object dialog box opens where you can specify the Description and File Name.

Image 11.66 New Visual Object dialog box

The visual object must be available in the .3ds format. Use the [Browse] button to select the file in the Open dialog box from Windows.

Define the Position of the object in the model by entering the coordinates or in the work window by using . The reference point of the 3D object is indicated by the selection color in the graphic to the right.

In addition, it is possible to define a Rotation of the object or to Scale the object.

Click [OK] to insert the object into the model.

The edit dialog box of a visual object can be accessed by double-clicking the object in the graphic or in the Data navigator.
