
Determination of Weld Stresses Between Two Surfaces

How can I obtain weld stresses between two surfaces?


To determine the correct stresses, it is necessary to know the local coordinate system of the surface. It can be activated in the Display navigator under "Model" → "Surfaces" → "Surface Axis Systems x, y, z".

All stresses with "+" in the index represent the stress on the upper side; that is, the side of the positive local z-axis. In this specific case, this means that my represents the bending moment of the lap joint in the direction of the global y-axis and therefore, the resulting value must be 2 kNm/m.

The average in the diagram shown in the image confirms this with the value of 1.95 kNm/m (deviations can be reduced by a finer FE mesh). The average of the shear flow is 100 kN/m and thus corresponds to the applied load. Therefore, the stress σy,+ reflects the compressive stress of the lap joint on the upper side of the surface; τxy,x corresponds to the shear stress in the interface on the same side.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

