
[EN] FAQ 003143 | How can the self-weight and other additional loads be considered in the form-finding ...

How can the self-weight and other additional loads be considered in the form-finding process?

The form-finding process in RFEM searches for a shape that is in equilibrium with the boundary reactions for the members depending on the defined force or geometry parameters, and for the surfaces depending on the defined force parameters.

If further force effects occur in addition to these element-related form finding properties, such as the self-weight of the elements or the weight of the cable node connections, it is necessary to define these loads in an additional load case with the "Form-Finding" action category. 

The form-finding process recognizes these special load cases by their action category, and in addition to the element-related form-finding information, it applies all loads from all load cases with the "Form-Finding" action category in the analysis when searching for the shape. 

Since the loads are applied to the model in load cases with the "Form-Finding" action category in the form-finding process, a separate analysis of these load cases is of no importance. These load cases are only used for the initial entry for the form-finding process.
