
VE9956 | Internal Forces of Collar Roof


A collar roof structure is loaded by three different load cases. The internal forces are calculated analytically and compared with RFEM 6.

Input Parameters and Structural System

The calculation is performed without considering self-weight and according to the linear static analysis. The shear stiffness of the cross-section is neglected.

Beam geometry Width / height b/h 6/18 [cm]
System geometry Total length L 12 [m]
Length of collar beam b 4.5 [m]
Height system H 4 [m]
Height to collar beam hu 2.5 [m]
Height from collar beam ho 1.5 [m]
Rafter angle a 33.69 [°]
Load situations Distributed load – rafter g 5 [kN]
Distributed load – collar beam gk 5 [kN]
Distributed load – wind load gw 5 [kN]

Analytical Solution

For the analytical solution, the formulas according to [1] were used for the collar roof.

Comparison of Analytical Solution with RFEM Solution

Load Introduction 1 – Rafter
Comparison value Analytical Solution RFEM 6 Difference
Az 30.00 [kN] 30.00 [kN] 0.00 [%]
Ax 33.61 [kN] 33.56 [kN] 0.15 [%]
N -29.63 [kN] -29.48 [kN] 0.51 [%]
M -6.68 [kNm] -6.56 [kNm] 2.10 [%]

Load Introduction 2 – Collar Beams
Comparison value Analytical Solution RFEM 6 Difference
Az 11.25 [kN] 11.25 [kN] 0.00 [%]
Ax 16.88 [kN] 16.84 [kN] 0.24 [%]
N -16.88 [kN] -16.79 [kN] 0.53 [%]
M 0.00 [kNm] 0.00 [kNm] 0.00 [%]

Load Introduction 3 – Wind Load
Comparison value Analytical Solution RFEM 6 Difference
Az 19.17 [kN] 19.17 [kN] 0.00 [%]
Bz 10.83 [kN] 10.83 [kN] 0.00 [%]
Ax 4.27 [kN] 4.24 [kN] 0.70 [%]
Bx 24.27 [kN] 24.24 [kN] 0.12 [%]
N -21.40 [kN] -21.20 [kN] 0.93 [%]
M2 10.41 [kNm] 10.60 [kNm] 1.83 [%]
M4 -20.06 [kNm] -19.88 [kNm] 0.90 [%]

The analytical calculation corresponds with the results from RFEM 6. The largest relative difference is 2.1%.


[1] Schneider, K.-J. (2012). (2016). Schneider – Bautabellen für Ingenieure, (22nd Mit Berechnungshinweisen und Beispielen (A. Albert, ed.; 20th ed.)
