
Virus Scanner

I cannot open RFEM and RSTAB anymore: nothing happens when double-clicking the icon! Also, no error message is displayed. Restarting the computer did not help, either.


The problem is probably caused by the antivirus software, which prevents the program from starting. Display the activity log of the antivirus software and define the corresponding exceptions, if necessary.

Furthermore, we recommend that you exclude the following files and folders from real-time monitoring:

  • Program folders of RFEM or RSTAB:
    • C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RFEM 5.xx
    • C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RSTAB 8.xx
    • C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RFEM 6.xx
    • C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RSTAB 9.xx
  • Application files:
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Dlubal
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Dlubal Software
  • Data folder of RFEM and RSTAB:
    • C:\ProgramData\Dlubal
  • Folder for temporary data:
    • C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Temp\Dlubal (= default settings)
    • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Dlubal
  • License service:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\hasplms.exe

This measure often improves the performance and prevents calculation problems.

Another reason may be the automatic management of the default printer by Windows. Please change the default printer in Windows.

Deactivate the automatic management of the default printer by Windows and select a digital printer as the default:

If this does not work, please try another digital printer.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.
