
Post-Critical Analysis

In the case of a post-critical failure, a substantial change occurs in the geometry of a structure. After reaching the instability of the equilibrium, a stable, strength position is reached again. The post-critical analysis requires an experimental approach. It is necessary to manually load the structure in increments, step by step.


This article shows the post-critical analysis. A structural component can be imagined as a flat roof subjected to compression from the outside. When the compression is increased slowly, it is clear that the load is absorbed by the compression stress and transferred to a support.

When a certain compressive load is reached, the structural system becomes unstable and the post-critical failure occurs.

When the load is increased again, it is primarily absorbed by tensile stress in the structural component.

Generally, the second-order analysis cannot detect the post-critical failure due to the linearization of the deformation geometry description.

Further information and examples can be found in [1] and [2].


[1] Werkle, H.: Finite Elemente in der Baustatik - Statik und Dynamik der Stab- und Flächentragwerke, 3. Auflage, 3rd edition. Berlin: Springer, 2008
[2] Lumpe, G.; Gensichen, V.: Evaluierung der linearen und nichtlinearen Stabstatik in Theorie und Software - Prüfbeispiele, Fehlerursachen, genaue Theorie. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2014


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