
One-Way Slab

How can I enter a one-way slab instead of a two-way slab in RFEM?


It is possible to simulate one-way concrete slabs (for example, precast slabs) using the Orthotropy of the surfaces. The procedure differs in the various versions of RFEM.


Select the Orthotropic stiffness type for the Surface, then edit its properties (see Image 01).

In the "Edit Surface Stiffness – Orthotropic" dialog box, you can define the orthotropy type and select "Effective Thicknesses", for example (see Image 02). You can then define the effective thickness in the local x- and local y-direction of the respective surface in the "Effective Thickness" tab. You can also define the effective thickness for the self-weight (see Image 03).


Define a new Thickness by specifying the Material and selecting the Shape Orthotropy thickness type in the list (see Image 04).

In the "Shape Orthotropy" tab, you can define the orthotropy type (see Image 05), for example, for the definition via "Effective Thicknesses" (1). Then, define the effective thickness in the local x- and local y-direction of the surface (2) and enter the effective thickness for the self-weight (3).

Now, assign this thickness to the surface.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

