
A structure is made of four truss members, which are embedded into hinge supports. The structure is loaded by a concentrated force and alternatively by imposed nodal deformation over the critical limit point, when snap-through occurs. Imposed nodal deformation is used in RFEM 5 and RSTAB 8 to obtain full equilibrium path of the snap-through. The self-weight is neglected in this example. Determine the relationship between the actual loading force and the deflection considering large deformation analysis. Evaluate the load factor at given deflections.

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Verification Example 000200 | 1

Number of Nodes 5
Number of Lines 4
Number of Members 4
Number of Load Cases 1
Total Weight 0.053 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 5.228 x 1.164 x 0.582 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 17.15 x 3.82 x 1.91 feet
Program Version 5.16.00

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