
Different Line Support and Surface Results in FE Models

Why do the results of the line support reactions differ from the surface results?


The main reason for this is the FE mesh size and different smoothing of the results. With an increasingly finer FE mesh, the results should align.

Image 01 shows a comparison with a relatively rough FE mesh. The support resultant is 16.84 kN. However, the resultant of the surface results is only 14.41 kN. If the FE mesh is refined at this point (see Image 02), the results are similar to each other.

In Image 03, the FE mesh has been refined further. The results are exactly equal now. The deviation at the beginning can be explained by the singular location and by smoothing of the internal forces.


Mr. Rehm is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and he provides technical support for customers.
