
Troubleshoot Printout Report Crashes

We use several computers with RSTAB. One of them always crashes when trying to create a printout report. What could be the reason?


Unfortunately, it is not easy to determine the cause. Please try the following solutions.

Printer Driver

The problem may be related to the printer driver. Please try to use a new (current) printer driver (if necessary, use a PDF printer as the default printer). You can find it, among other places, at www.treiber.de.

For example, install another printer and try to create a new printout report.

Memory Problem

There may also be a memory problem. It might be helpful to save the model and then open the printout report. Thus, the temporary memory is released.

Graphics Card

The problem could also be caused by different graphics cards of your computers. Try to deactivate the hardware acceleration (OpenGL) in the program. You can do this using the menu "Options" → "Program Options" → "Graphics". After deactivating the hardware acceleration, restart the program. If this solves the problem, we recommend updating your graphics card driver.

Other Applications in Background

Another possibility is that another application in the background is also accessing the folder of the temporary files and locking the folder when opening the report. Please close all other applications, then run RSTAB and try to open the report again.

Perhaps the problem can also be solved by opening a new printout report or making changes to the selection (Edit) of the printout report before opening it.

If the problem only occurs in the current project, try the following:

Open the project manager in RSTAB and select the "Disconnect" function in the "Project" drop-down menu. This will remove the project from the project manager. It is not deleted; the connection to the hard disk is just disconnected.

Next, open the item under RSTAB using the menu "File" → "Open".

The query that appears is because you have disconnected the project. Click [Yes] to confirm and enter the project name again. (If you answer [No], no project is assigned to the item and it appears in the printout report under the project name: Nameless.)

Now, open the printout report.


Ms. Matula provides technical support for our customers.

  1. Dlubal Software. (2018). Manual RFEM. Tiefenbach.
  2. Dlubal Software. (2016). Manual RSTAB. Tiefenbach: Dlubal Software.
