
[EN] FAQ 003334 | What does the load application point in RF‑/STEEL EC3 Warping Torsion refer to?

What does the load application point in RF‑/STEEL EC3 Warping Torsion refer to?

The RF‑/STEEL EC3 Warping Torsion add-on module uses the internal forces to determine the loading using the transfer function, as described in the Knowledge Base article below. In order to also consider the point of application of the load in the calculation, all shear loads (py, pz) are then related to the selected point of the cross-section. 

This is not only taken into account when determining the internal forces according to the torsional buckling theory, but also, in particular, when calculating the critical load factor.

This procedure can be compared with the input in the RF‑/FE‑LTB add-on module.
