
Dynamic and Seismic Analysis of Structures | RFEM 6 & RSTAB 9 by Dlubal Software

Are you responsible for the structural design of a building and need to analyze it in terms of dynamics? You are in good hands with Dlubal Software.

In this video, we present the most important add-ons and features for dynamic analysis in RFEM and RSTAB.

Modal Analysis add-on:
- Mode shapes
- Eigenvalues
- Natural frequencies
- Involved masses for deformation similar to mode shapes

Response Spectrum Analysis add-on:
- Method for complete structure, including all mass points
- Response spectra according to various standards
- SRSS and CQC rule
- Accidental torsional actions

Time History Analysis add-on:
- Linearly implied Newmark analysis or modal analysis
- Rayleigh damping coefficient
- Lehr's damping value

Pushover Analysis add-on:
- Load increment until plastic hinges occur
- Pushover curve

- Linear viscous damping element
- Kelvin-Voigt model
- Additional options in Time History Analysis

Calculation diagrams:
- Result diagram via building axis
- Seismic force over building height

Capacity design:
- Strong column – weak beam
