
Torsional Warping (7 DOF) | Calculation

You can perform the calculation of the warping torsion on the entire system. Thus, you consider the additional 7th degree of freedom in the member calculation. The stiffnesses of the connected structural elements are automatically taken into account. It means, you don't need to define equivalent spring stiffnesses or support conditions for a detached system.

You can then use the internal forces from the calculation with warping torsion in the add-ons for the design. Consider the warping bimoment and the secondary torsional moment, depending on the material and the selected standard. A typical application is the stability analysis according to the second-order theory with imperfections in steel structures.

Did you know that The application is not limited to thin-walled steel cross-sections. Thus, it is possible for you, for example, to perform the calculation of the ideal overturning moment of beams with solid timber cross-sections.
