
RF-STEEL EC3 | Design

When performing the design of tension, compression, bending, and shear loading, the module compares the design values of the maximum load capacity to the design values of the actions.

If the components are subjected to both bending and compression, the program performs an interaction. In RF-/STEEL EC3, you can determine the factors according to Method 1 (Annex A) or Method 2 (Annex B).

The flexural buckling design requires neither the slenderness nor the elastic critical buckling load of the governing buckling case. The module automatically calculates all required factors for the bending stress design value. RF-/STEEL EC3 determines the elastic critical moment for lateral-torsional buckling for each member on every x-location of the cross-section. If required, you only need to specify lateral intermediate supports of the individual members/sets of members, definable in one of the input windows.

If members are selected for the fire resistance design in RF-/STEEL EC3, there is another input window available where you can enter additional parameters, such as: a coating or cladding type. Global settings cover the required time of fire resistance, temperature curve, and other coefficients. The printout report lists all intermediate results and the final result of the fire resistance design. Furthermore, it is possible to print the temperature curve in the report.
