
Increased Yield Strength According to EN 1993-1-3, 3.2.2 (3)

According to Clause 3.2.2, EN 1993-1-3 allows the use of an average increased yield strength fya of a cross-section due to strain hardening.

According to EN 1993-1-3 [1], 3.2.2 (1), the average yield strength fya may be used in cases where the yield strength is indicated by the symbol fy if [1], 3.2.2 (4 ) to (8) applies.

The average yield strength fya can be determined by tests on the cold-formed steel cross-section or a simplified calculation method according to [1], Equation (3.1). The increased yield strength fya is calculated according to [1], Equation (3.1) as follows:


The increased yield strength fya is determined for the sigma section shown in Figure 01 from S 355 EN 10025-2.

fyb = 35.5 kN/cm²
fu = 51.0 kN/cm²
Ag = 7.06 cm²
k = 7 for roll profiling
r = 2 mm ≤ 5 ⋅ 2.5 = 12.5 mm → all deflections may be applied

RF-STEEL Cold-Formed Sections

Cold-formed sections can be designed according to [1] and EN 1993-1-5 [2] with the RF-/STEEL Cold-Formed Sections module extension. The increased yield strength fya is considered in RF-/STEEL Cold-Formed Sections according to [1], Equation (3.1). It is assumed that the cross-section was created by roll profiling (for example, the deformation-dependent numerical value is applied with k = 7).

The increased yield strength fya is displayed in the result tables of RF-/STEEL Cold-Formed Sections. Image 02 shows the increased yield strength fya for the sigma section of this example.


Ms. von Bloh provides technical support for our customers and is responsible for the development of the SHAPE‑THIN program as well as steel and aluminum structures.

  1. European Committee for Standardization. (2010). Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures – Part 1‑3: General Rules – Supplementary Rules for Cold-Formed Members and Sheeting, EN 1993‑1‑3:2010‑12. Berlin: Beuth.
  2. European Committee for Standardization (CEN). (2009). Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures – Part 1-5: General Rules – Plated Structural Elements, EN 1993-1-5:2006 + AC:2009. Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin.
