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Optimization of Dimensions in Printout of RX-TIMBER

The dimensioning in the graphical display in the RX‑TIMBER printout report is very confusing, depending on the structure. Is is possible to optimize it?


By default, a graphic only takes 40% of the page height in the printout report.

In some cases, it may be useful to display the graphic printout over the entire height of the page and to rotate the graphic by 90° (see Image 02).

Usually, it should be sufficient to display the dimensions with two decimal places to save space. This setting can be defined in the "Units and Decimal Places" menu (see Image 03).

Finally, you can reduce the extension lines and the font size (see Image 04).

A font size of 5 should be sufficient for an A4 printout. To select such a small font size, you should use the "Small Fonts" font. The result is shown in Image 05.


Mr. Rehm is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and he provides technical support for customers.