

In FOUNDATION Pro, I get extremely large foundations for my structure or I have to enter a very high loading in order to fulfill the design of the foundation torsion. What can be the reason?

Please check the entry of loads in Window "1.4 Loading", the "Characteristic Values" tab.

One possible source of the error is that you have selected individual load cases for the design (for example, self-weight, wind, and so on). These load cases may be set additionally as "Permanent". See Image 01.

Now, the program applies both load cases for the design of the first core width.
This is not correct. The design of the first core width only requires the application of the load from one permanent action.

For the design of the second core width, the load from a "permanent and variable combination" is used. That means that you need either a load combination (CO) or a result combination (RC) for this. The entry of a load case (only wind here) is also wrong, since the favorably acting vertical component of the loading is missing. Therefore, you get foundations that are too large or you have to enter a high loading as a "permanent load" to meet the design.

Thus, if you should create a CO for this situation, in which the "permanent and variable actions" are together and apply these for the design in FOUNDATION Pro, pay attention to the assignment of this CO to a "permanent + variable action". See Image 02.
