
VE0051 | Pinned Beam Subjected to Bending


Beam pinned at the both ends is loaded by means the transversal force at the middle. Neglecting its self-weight and shear stiffness, determine the maximum deflection, normal force and moment at the mid-span assuming the second and the third order theory. The verification example is based on the example introduced by Gensichen and Lumpe (see the reference).

Material Steel Modulus of Elasticity E 210000.000 MPa
Shear Modulus ν 81000.000 MPa
Yield Stress fy 355.000 MPa
Geometry Beam Length L 8.000 m
Height h 0.400 m
Width b 0.180 m
Web Thickness s 0.010 m
Flange Thickness t 0.014 m
Load Transversal Force F 215.000 kN

Analytical Solution

Analytical solution is not available. Results from software S3D are taken as reference.

RFEM and RSTAB Settings

  • Modeled in version RFEM 5.32, RSTAB 8.32 and RFEM 6.02, RSTAB 9.02
  • The element size is lFE = 0.800 m
  • The element type is member
  • Isotropic linear elastic material model is used
  • Shear stiffness of members is deactivated


Second-Order Analysis S3D RFEM 6 Ratio RSTAB 9 Ratio
uz1(L/2) [mm] 47.3 47.3 1.000 47.3 1.000
My(L/2) [kNm] 430 430 1.000 430 1.000
N(L/2) [kN] 0 0 - 0 -
Second-Order Analysis S3D RFEM 5 Ratio RSTAB 8 Ratio
uz1(L/2) [mm] 47.3 47.3 1.000 47.3 1.000
My(L/2) [kNm] 430 430 1.000 430 1.000
N(L/2) [kN] 0 0 - 0 -
Large Deformation Analysis S3D RFEM 6 Ratio RSTAB 9 Ratio
uz1(L/2) [mm] 46.4 46.4 1.000 46.4 1.000
My(L/2) [kNm] 423 423 1.000 423 1.000
N(L/2) [kN] 147 147 1.000 147 1.000
Large Deformation Analysis S3D RFEM 5 Ratio RSTAB 8 Ratio
uz1(L/2) [mm] 46.4 46.4 1.000 46.4 1.000
My(L/2) [kNm] 423 423 1.000 423 1.000
N(L/2) [kN] 147 147 1.000 147 1.000

  1. LUMPE, G. and GENSITEN, V. Evaluation of Linear and Nonlinear Member Analysis in Theory and Software: Test examples, causes of failure, detailed theory. Ernest.
  2. LUMPE, G. S3D (Vers. 09/25/2011). Biberach University of Applied Sciences, 2011.
