Consider an ASTM A992 W 18x50 beam forspan and uniform dead and live loads as shown in Figure 1. The member is limited to a maximum nominal depth of 18 inches. The live load deflection is limited to L/360. The beam is simply supported and continuously braced. Verify the available flexural strength of the selected beam, based on LRFD and ASD.
W-Shaped Column Design with Pinned Ends According to AISC 2022 - Example F.1-1A


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The "Base Plate" component allows you to design base plate connections with cast-in anchors. In this case, plates, welds, anchorages, and steel-concrete interaction are analyzed.

In the "Edit Section" dialog box, you can display the buckling shapes of the Finite Strip Method (FSM) as a 3D graphic.
How can treating a connection as fully rigid result in an uneconomical design?
Is it possible to consider shear panels and rotational restraints in the global calculation?