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RFEM and RSTAB are powerful programs helping structural engineers meet requirements in modern civil engineering. Efficient data input and intuitive handling facilitate modeling of simple and large structures.

RFEM enables you to

  • create 3D models consisting of members, surfaces, and solids,
  • define loads individually or apply load wizards for wind and snow,
  • combine load cases and create design situations,
  • analyze models to determine the internal forces, deformations, strains, and stresses,
  • carry out dynamic analyses,
  • perform concrete, steel, and timber design per applicable design codes,
  • create a calculation report,
  • use BIM to exchange file information.

RSTAB is the ideal tool for the design of beam, frame, or truss structures consisting of any kind of materials.

We recommend our introductory videos and webinars for you to get familiar with RFEM and RSTAB. You can also follow the step-by-step RFEM Tutorial that provides guidance on how to model, analyze and design a simple structure.