
Aluminum Design | Strength and Stability | Stability Analysis

  • Stability analyses for flexural buckling, torsional buckling, and flexural-torsional buckling under compression
  • Lateral-torsional buckling analysis of the structural components subjected to moment loading
  • Import of the effective lengths from the calculation using the Structure Stability add-on
  • Graphical input and check of the defined nodal supports and effective lengths for stability analysis
  • Depending on the standard, a choice between user-defined input of Mcr, analytical method from the standard, or use of internal eigenvalue solver
  • Consideration of a shear panel and a rotational restraint when using the eigenvalue solver
  • Graphical display of a mode shape if the eigenvalue solver was used
  • Stability analysis of structural components with the combined compression and bending stress, depending on the design standard
  • Comprehensible calculation of all necessary coefficients, such as interaction factors
  • Alternative consideration of all effects for the stability analysis when determining internal forces in RFEM/RSTAB (second-order analysis, imperfections, stiffness reduction, possibly in combination with the Torsional Warping (7 DOF) add-on)

