
Overlapping Triangles

When importing a model to RWIND, I get a message about overlapping triangles. What should I pay attention to?


There can be many reasons for the message about overlapping triangles. Generally, the objects of structural models can quickly intersect and penetrate each other in reality. It is often not critical, but this message may appear, especially in the case of membrane structures.

The most common reason for thin membrane surfaces is that you consider the surface thickness in the wind simulation in the mesh settings.

Therefore, the fastest solution is to deactivate this for thin surfaces, which will probably only have a minor effect on the determined wind loads.

If the message still appears, it is worth analyzing the model in ParaView to find the locations and optimize them, if necessary.

To do this, you can check the model in RWIND and export the model data to evaluate the file in ParaView.

ParaView allows for the quick identification of the elements.


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.
