
Prestress in Cable Structures

In a cable structure with prestress, the support forces are smaller than the prestressing force. I have analyzed two structural systems: Example 1 is defined with a straight cable, while the cable in Example 2 has a rise. Why are there recognizable differences here?


The "prestress" load is treated by the program as an external load, like a member load, and it affects the entire structure. It "flows" off into the structural system and creates deformations and support reactions accordingly. The prestress is converted into a length change (a strain). Which axial force remains after the calculation depends on the deformation restraint of the member: if the stiffness of the connected system is soft, none or only very little of the prestress remains, but the deformation exists.

The prestress is thus comparable to a temperature change. It is expressed once with a force and once with a temperature.

In Example 2, the prestressing force is almost completely converted into the deformation, which results in much lower axial forces and thus also lower support forces.


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