
Ferrari World Theme Park on Al Yas Island, United Arab Emirates

Ferrari World Theme Park on Yas Island, UAE, is an amusement and recreation park including a Formula 1 racing circuit, a shopping mall, several luxury hotels, and two golf courses.

The gigantic freeform roof of Ferrari World is the largest spatial framework ever built.

On Al Yas Island, the biggest natural island of the United Arab Emirates, Ferrari World Theme Park was built as an amusement and leisure facility.

According to the design concept by Benoy, it includes a Formula 1 fitted circuit, a shopping mall sized 3,229,173 ft², condominiums, marinas, several luxury hotels, and two golf courses.

The park was built in two phases – phase 1 was completed in 2009, and the second phase was implemented in 2014.

Ferrari World Theme Park is covered by a vast roof. The entire roof structure with a surface of about 2,098,963 ft2 consists of a MERO spatial framework. With a total number of about 170,000 members and 42,200 joints, it is the largest spatial framework ever built.


For the modeling, the entire structure was separated into three substructures:

  • Inner core
  • Main structure
  • Three outer “pincers”

The core consists of a truss structure with 4,025 joints and 13,346 bars. For structural analysis, 15 load cases, 89 load combinations, and 2 result combinations were created.

With its overall dimensions of 1,158.1 x 1,148.2 x 141 ft, the main structure is the largest and most demanding part of the structure. 21,433 joints and 87,102 bars represent the structure. Steel tubes of steel grade S 355 with a yield strength of 52,213.58 psi are used as cross-sections. The maximum cross‑section diameter of the steel columns is 40 inches.

During the modeling of the three identical “pincers”, it was possible to confine the analysis to one of the three structures. Thus, a relatively clearly arranged calculation model made of 5,687 nodes and 22,828 members was developed. 26 load cases, 74 load combinations, and 2 result combinations represent the concept for the structural design of the structure.

Structural design

The calculation of a MERO spatial framework is carried out with the usual means of structural analysis for spatial frameworks with hinged joints. The design calculation of the joints and bars is defined by the MERO approval that is based on DIN 18800.

Spatial frameworks are able to activate a biaxial load transfer, if supported appropriately. In comparison with a planar structure, the deformation and forces within the cross‑sections are reduced considerably, thereby providing a light and thus economical system.

Mero-TSK has focused on RSTAB as the structural frame analysis software for years. Ferrari World Theme Park was designed with the current version of RSTAB 6, as only with this version could the very large amount of bars be handled. Mero-TSK used specially developed preprocessors for the creation of the geometry and generated the model via DXF files and the RS‑COM interface into the Dlubal Software program for structural frame and truss analysis.

RSTAB includes a broad variety of interfaces. With their help, the CAD originals of other applications can be imported. Similarly, the results of the structural calculations can be exported in a design or calculation program, too. Here, the use of data exchange with MS Excel is very common. The open architecture of RSTAB allows efficient integration of the structural analysis software into the design process.

The size of the model constituted a particular challenge during this project. Due to the excellent cooperation between Dlubal Software GmbH and the staff of MERO‑TSK, difficulties arising from the irregular amount of members were solved fast and individually.

Structural Engineering MERO-TSK International GmbH & Co. KG, Würzburg, Germany
Architecture Benoy Limited
Newark, UK
Investor Aldar, an investment company based in Abu Dhabi
Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 5687
Number of Members 22828
Number of Load Cases 24
Number of Load Combinations 55
Number of Result Combinations 2
Total Weight 1166.691 t
Dimensions (Metric) 224.402 x 298.688 x 32.338 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 736.23 x 979.95 x 106.1 feet
Program Version 6.03.16

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