11 Program Functions

9.4.3 User-Defined Result Values

User-Defined Result Values

Grid values

The grid points represent a property of the respective surface. Number and arrangement of grid points can therefore be adjusted in the Grid tab of the Edit Surface dialog box. The results output in tables is based on the result grid for surfaces. In the graphic, both the values of FE nodes as well as of grid points can be displayed.

For more information about grid points, see Chapter 8.13.

Graphic values

In the work window, you can set result values on any location of the model. If the results display is active, you can access this feature by selecting the menu entry

    • Results → Set Result Values Manually

or using the corresponding toolbar button.

Image 9.15 Set Result Values Manually function in the Results toolbar

When you move the mouse over a surface, result values appear for the current position of the mouse pointer. The result values can then be placed on the relevant locations per mouse click.

A manually placed value can be deleted easily: Select the value by mouse click, then press the [Del] key on your keyboard. For a multiple selection, keep the [Ctrl] key pressed or draw a window across the values that you want to select.

To access the shortcut menu of result values, right-click one of the values. The menu contains specific display and filter functions for the graphical evaluation.

Image 9.16 Result Values shortcut menu

With the Result Values Filter shortcut menu function (see figure above), you can define precise specifications for the result values you want displayed. To open the corresponding dialog box, select

    • Results → Display Options

in the menu. The following dialog box for entering filter criteria appears.

Image 9.17 Value Display Filter dialog box

In the Show Values According to Magnitude list, you can define limits for the result values in the table columns from and to. Values that are outside this range are not shown in the graphic.

Search Criteria for Local Extreme Values

To control the output of graphical extreme values for surfaces, select the menu item

    • Results → Display Options → Search Criteria for Local Extreme Values

or use the shortcut menu of the Results navigator entry Of All Local Extreme Values.

Image 9.18 Search Criteria for Local Extreme Values dialog box

In the first text box, specify when a result value is considered to be a local peak. The difference between global maximum and global minimum of all active surfaces is multiplied by the specified percentage value. The lower this threshold is, the more local extreme values are displayed.

In the second text box, you can define how many finite elements generated around a point you want to apply for the analysis of extreme values. The higher this number is, the more local extreme values are displayed.

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