11 Program Functions

12.4.1 Creating a Block

Creating a Block

To create a block from specific objects, first select the relevant objects in the current RFEM model. A multiple selection is possible by drawing a window with the mouse or by clicking several elements while holding down the [Ctrl] key.

To then create the new block, use the RFEM menu option

    • File → Save as Block.

The following dialog box appears.

Image 12.37 Save as Block dialog box

Specify the Block Name and Category Name under which you want to save the block. The category can be selected in the list. You can use the Description to briefly describe the block.

The directory of the block is indicated in the Folder dialog field.

If loads are defined, they can be saved together with the block. In addition, you can use the settings in the Option dialog section to control if all loads or only specific load cases are relevant.

To create a new block category, use the [New Category] button shown on the left.

Image 12.38 Create New Category dialog box

The procedure is similar to the creation of a new project in the project manager (see Chapter 12.1.1).

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