11 Program Functions

11.1.9 Rendering


The model's display in the work window can be controlled by the user. Use the list button in the toolbar shown on the left to quickly switch between the Wireframe and Solid display types, and the Solid Transparent Display Model.

Detailed settings for the individual objects can be specified in the Display navigator under Rendering.

Image 11.16 Display navigator with options for Rendering model and load objects

The Solid Model display can be individually adjusted for members, surfaces, and solids. There are also control options for displaying supports and loads.


If Textures are activated, RFEM shows the surface textures in the rendered model. To access detailed settings for the textures, use the menu option

    • Options → Display Properties → Edit.

The Display Properties dialog box opens where you can select the Objects by Color → Material category. The materials with the assigned colors and textures are then listed on the right. Double-click the field of a table row to open the Edit Material Color and Texture dialog box.

Image 11.17 Edit Material Color and Texture dialog box

You can use this dialog box to adjust the Color and Texture of the selected material. For this, RFEM provides a [color palette] and a comprehensive [library] with textures.

Color control

The Display navigator item Colors in Graphics According to contains several selection fields. The active field controls the assignment of colors for the objects in the rendering. By default, RFEM uses the material colors defined for the individual construction materials (see Chapter 4.3). With the remaining options, it is possible to graphically check cross-sections and types of members, surfaces, solids, etc. by means of the assigned colors.

Image 11.18 Colors in Graphics According to Cross-Section option for checking cross-section types

The +/- z Surface Side option is used for checking the position of the surface sides. It is important for defining foundations with failure or for the reinforcement layout. The top side of a surface is displayed in red, the bottom side in blue color (default).

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