11 Program Functions

11.5.2 Selection Functions

Selection Functions

The selection functions are tools that facilitate the data input in tables. In contrast to the editing functions described in Chapter 11.5.1, you have to mark several connected cells as a Selection first.

Image 11.111 Selection

It is not important whether the cells are empty or not. A selection function collectively modifies the contents of selected cells.

Accessing the selection functions

First, mark a selection as a block of contiguous cells in the table. This is done by moving the mouse while keeping the left mouse button pressed down. A click on a table header (A, B, C ...) selects the whole table column, a click on a row number selects the whole row.

To access the selection functions, use the menu option

    • Table → Selection.

Some selection functions are available in the toolbar of the table.

Image 11.112 Buttons for some selection functions in the table toolbar

Alternatively, you can use the shortcut menu in the table to access the functions.

Image 11.113 Selection functions in the table shortcut menu
Functions and commands
Table 11.9 Selection functions
Function Effect


Cancels the selection of the row or column.


Removes the content of the selected cells and saves it in the clipboard.


Copies the content of the selection to the clipboard.


Inserts the content of the clipboard into the table. The command is only available if the clipboard contains suitable data (e.g. from Excel).


Deletes all of the contents of the selected cells.


Adds/subtracts a value to/from cells that contain numerical values.


Multiplies cells that contain numerical values by a specified factor.


Divides cells that contain numerical values by a divisor.


Assigns the value of the topmost selected cell to all cells of the selection.


Used for cells with numerical values to generate the cells between the first and last selected cell via interpolation of both reference values (see example below).


Saves the selection as a file.


Imports a selection that was saved as a file.

Example: Generating cell values

You can use this function to quickly fill empty cells. The intermediate values are determined by a linear interpolation from the start value of the top cell (6.000) and the end value of the bottom cell (30.000).

Image 11.114 Shortcut menu of selection

After the Generate function has been used, the cells in between are filled with the interpolated values.

Image 11.115 Result
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